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Software for the Arduino

In this module, you will learn how to install the IDE (programming software) and how to upload your first sketch (program) to the microcontroller.

The Arduino Uno have an onboard LED (a small light). This onboard LED connects to digital pin pin13 of your Arduino microcontroller. A built-in LED is very convenient when you write your first sketch as you do not connect anything to your Arduino Uno to do some basic programming and to see the result.

We will make the onboard LED blink on and off as our first little program. we write.

Now, this first sketch is much more potent than you might consider at first. You will use the very same code nearly “as is” to switch all kinds of equipment (including heavy-duty motors, lights, sprinklers, pumps, appliances and anything else you can imagine) on or off.

The two things that can (and probably will) go wrong when you upload the first sketch.

It is all explained in the lesson document, but I nevertheless want to mention it here in advance to draw your attention to it.

  1. The wrong board is selected. Make sure you picked the correct board, in a previous module you should have seen the many different boards available. It would be best if you chose the right board. We will choose the “Arduino/Genuino Uno”, You set the board type under Tools->Board in the IDE.
  2. The number one problem when uploading a sketch has all to do with the USB port number. The Arduino is not always doing an excellent job when detecting the correct port number. Make sure you choose the right port under Tools –> port. The correct port will have the Arduino board name in parentheses next to the port number.

Lesson: Install the Arduino Uno Software (also called the IDE)

Just follow everything on-screen and select the default recommended settings. If you get stuck use the instructions on the page in the Resources section below.

Arduino IDE Latest Version

Lessons Upload your first program (also called a sketch)

Before you do this lesson I want to quickly clarify a confusion that you might run into. In the lesson below, you will find that we refer to pin 13 all the time in the lesson. When you open the sketch example you will find the sketch refer to "LED_BUILTIN" and not 13. You will learn about variables soon, for now, you can think of "LED_BUILTIN" to be an alias or another name for the number "13". Behind the scenes, in the internals of the programing software, LED_BUILTIN is associated with pin 13. You can even change all the names LED_BUILTIN in the example code to the number 13 and your sketch will still work perfectly. You will soon learn how all of this work.

In this module, you will learn how to install the IDE (programming software) and how to upload your first sketch (program) to the microcontroller.

The Arduino Uno have an onboard LED (a small light). This onboard LED connects to digital pin pin13 of your Arduino microcontroller. A built-in LED is very convenient when you write your first sketch as you do not connect anything to your Arduino Uno to do some basic programming and to see the result.

We will make the onboard LED blink on and off as our first little program. we write.

Now, this first sketch is much more potent than you might consider at first. You will use the very same code nearly “as is” to switch all kinds of equipment (including heavy-duty motors, lights, sprinklers, pumps, appliances and anything else you can imagine) on or off.

The two things that can (and probably will) go wrong when you upload the first sketch.

It is all explained in the lesson document, but I nevertheless want to mention it here in advance to draw your attention to it.

  1. The wrong board is selected. Make sure you picked the correct board, in a previous module you should have seen the many different boards available. It would be best if you chose the right board. We will choose the “Arduino/Genuino Uno”, You set the board type under Tools->Board in the IDE.
  2. The number one problem when uploading a sketch has all to do with the USB port number. The Arduino is not always doing an excellent job when detecting the correct port number. Make sure you choose the right port under Tools –> port. The correct port will have the Arduino board name in parentheses next to the port number.

Lesson: Install the Arduino Uno Software (also called the IDE)

Just follow everything on-screen and select the default recommended settings. If you get stuck use the instructions on the page in the Resources section below.

Arduino IDE Latest Version

Lessons Upload your first program (also called a sketch)

Before you do this lesson I want to quickly clarify a confusion that you might run into. In the lesson below, you will find that we refer to pin 13 all the time in the lesson. When you open the sketch example you will find the sketch refer to "LED_BUILTIN" and not 13. You will learn about variables soon, for now, you can think of "LED_BUILTIN" to be an alias or another name for the number "13". Behind the scenes, in the internals of the programing software, LED_BUILTIN is associated with pin 13. You can even change all the names LED_BUILTIN in the example code to the number 13 and your sketch will still work perfectly. You will soon learn how all of this work.

Note: Once you installed this new code onto your Arduino Uno Microcontroller it will replace your default GoGoBot code and the mobile app will not work with your GoGoBot any longer. Not to worry though, in an upcoming lesson you will learn how to install the original code again with some other requirements called libraries.

Need step-by-step installation instructions. There is a lot of other information on this link. Spend some time on this link page. You will learn a lot.

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