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How can I test my SG90 servo motor?


You may like to use the servo tester sold by botshop.

4.8-6V Multi Servo Tester (

Or you could make one with uno. 

To test your SG90 servo motor, follow these steps:

  1. Power Supply: Connect the servo motor to a suitable power supply. Most SG90 servos operate at 4.8V to 6V. You can use a battery pack or a regulated power supply.
  2. Wiring:
    • Connect the red wire (usually the center wire) to the positive (+) terminal of your power supply.
    • Connect the brown or black wire (ground) to the negative (-) terminal.
    • Connect the orange or yellow wire (signal) to a PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) pin on your microcontroller (such as an Arduino).
  3. Code and Microcontroller:
    • If you’re using an Arduino, write a simple sketch to control the servo. You can use the built-in Servo library.
    • If you’re using a different microcontroller, make sure it supports PWM output for servo control.
  4. Test Movements:
    • Upload the code to your microcontroller.
    • The servo should move to its default position (usually centered).
    • Experiment with different angles by sending PWM signals to the servo. For example:
      • Set the servo to 0 degrees: myservo.write(0);
      • Set the servo to 90 degrees: myservo.write(90);
      • Set the servo to 180 degrees: myservo.write(180);
  5. Observe Behavior:
    • The servo should smoothly move to the specified angle.
    • Listen for any unusual noises or vibrations.
    • Check if the servo gets stuck or struggles to move.
  6. Load Test:
    • Attach a lightweight object (such as a small cardboard arm) to the servo horn.
    • Gradually increase the load to see how well the servo handles it.
    • Avoid overloading the servo beyond its specified torque.
  7. Fine-Tuning:
    • If needed, adjust the servo horn position or mechanical linkage to achieve precise movements.
    • Calibrate the servo by finding the correct pulse width range for your specific servo model.

Remember to handle the servo gently and avoid sudden movements during testing. Enjoy experimenting with your SG90 servo motor!
